viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

Overview of Muáat overcoming all possible encumbrances of life by means of positive mental attitude...

F1&2: You surely remember our beloved Queen of Sheba...and, of course! that legendary record by Zappa above, don't you?...

F3: Well!!...we thus come to me...your Highness!!...May your graceful Life be bestowed with Success, Happiness, Abundance and Health!!...

Do join us in this illustrated collection of stories!!

F4: This actual figurine...


F5: In this shot...


F6: Later on, it was...

F7: And that's how...

F8: Maybe...


F9: Well! Here...

F10: Now, here is...
F11: Also,...

F12: Here we have a masterpiece of artistic photograph while we were embarking upon surrealistic études over...

F13: Finally, we can admire in here my seal of the royal heritage of my ancestors while we...

F14: Oh!!....Almost forgot!!...Anyway!!...not to forget is my rather annoying master being portrayed here with me, who's rather bugging me the majority of time, though we must agree he's doing the best he can, in order to change positively, overcome his fears, internal demons, and finally, get a hold of his compusture, turning necrophilia into biophilia and carry on with his life, so that I get more proper space to expand myself...So!! we are, celebrating my 2nd Birthday on the 24th of May, 2012...

F15: Only Us!! ...

